Category: Career/Workplace

The Erosion of Social Skills

We all talk about how Gen Z is ill-prepared to enter the workforce – they’ve had few in-person opportunities to observe norms and determine what is appropriate or effective within their organization. But the truth is that EVERYONE’S social skills

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Backward Progress for Women @ Work

I have so many thoughts, feelings, questions right now, I’m going to share them with you. But really, I want to hear from you. I want to know what your thoughts, questions, and responses are to what I’m about to

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It’s Always Been This Way

In my longest-running sales role, I worked for a company that had the world’s largest database of consumer purchase history. So I had access, at my fingertips, to billions of pieces of data. As I was preparing presentations that I

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When You Shouldn’t Email

What’s with that email? Have you ever received an email that caused you to feel overwhelmed? I recently saw an extreme case of exactly this! With this example, I share a good rule of thumb if you or your team

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The One Thing for Success

I walked 60 miles! Over 20 years ago I participated in a 60-mile walk. The one thing I did NOT do is the one thing that would’ve made my experience much more successful. Turns out, that one thing is THE

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The Trifecta of Elite Leaders

My kids learned this at ages 10 and 6. It all began with my son, Ethan, in sixth grade after attending a laser tag birthday party. It was the opportunity I had to share with him what will set him

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Self-Promote without Bragging

Maybe you’re great at promoting and giving accolades to others, especially family and friends that you’re close to, but how about promoting the person you’re closest to – YOU! If you’re like many professionals, you may resist self-promotion for a

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Gen Z Surprises Us with In-Person Preferences

Gen Z surprises us with their in-person preference! I was shocked to learn that the majority of Gen Z prefer in-person contact. However, there’s a massive disconnect in the workforce between this and what managers experience. Can you guess what it is?Find

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Three Barriers to Effective Communication

Now more than ever, effective communication is the cornerstone to determine individual, team, and overall organizational performance. To be an effective communicator means that you’re able to influence others to make a decision and move in the direction you choose. Discover

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Focus Upskilling on This One Area

Where you should upskill. I was curious to see what the session topics were at the conference I spoke at earlier this week. Can you guess what category they fell into? Well, watch this video to find out, but more

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The Trifecta of Elite Leaders

The trifecta of elite leaders. It all began with Ethan, my son, in sixth grade after attending a laser tag birthday party. It was the opportunity I had to share with him what will set him apart now and in

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Risk of Working from Home

There was a period of time in my executive leadership role where I had the opportunity to #workfromhome one day per week. It afforded me several benefits at the time, and it continues today. I’m not alone. Women especially fight

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