Category: Leadership

Leaders Don’t Acknowledge Employees

No recognition at work! When was the last time you received recognition at work? If it wasn’t recently, you’re not alone! 40% of employees report receiving recognition only a FEW TIMES PER YEAR OR LESS! Yet, when managers offer recognition

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Walking a Fine Line

You’re walking a fine line! Oftentimes when I deliver a workshop or training and I’m asked a question, I find myself thinking, “It’s a fine line.” I don’t mean it’s a fine line in how I’m going to answer the

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Frustrated with Your Team?

Frustrated with your team? Every leader will experience frustration with one or more of their team members at some point in time. It’s typically a result of not meeting your expectations – could be a deadline, communication, process, or really

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Stop Asking These Questions

Stop asking these questions! I had a manager who probably received the Manager 101 Handbook back in the 80’s. He knew he needed to ask questions, but he completely missed the mark! Want to avoid his mistake? Listen into the

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Your Open Door Policy Isn’t Enough

You know it the moment you see it. In fact, you even feel it! What do you call it? The It-Factor or the X-Factor? In the corporate world, it’s called Executive Presence. Executive Presence isn’t needed only for those interested in

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Why Executive Presence is Vital for Everyone

You know it the moment you see it. In fact, you even feel it! What do you call it? The It-Factor or the X-Factor? In the corporate world, it’s called Executive Presence. Executive Presence isn’t needed only for those interested in

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Big Mistake with a Multi-Generational Workforce

Multi-generational mistake you might be making! It’s the first time in history with more than four generations in the workplace at the same time! If we know that communication is the cornerstone to success, then how do we possibly navigate

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Are You a “Too-Generous” Manager?

As a leader, you need to be there for your team. It’s one of your primary responsibilities. That’s one of my mantras that kept me going, even through the roughest of times in my corporate position. But, is there a

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Leaders Don’t Ask Leading Questions

There’s a podcast that I love listening to, it’s called SmartLess. You may have heard of it, and if not, by all means go check it out! Just be warned, it has adult content in it. But it’s hosted by

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The Power of One Word

Want to profoundly shift your intent and create better impact for you and others? Change this one word and uncover the results for yourself. One word can change everything!

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Should Everyone Develop Leadership Skills?

Should everyone develop leadership skills? I’m often asked this question – most often when we’re co-creating a learning engagement for an organization or a team. I can certainly understand why they question if it’s worth the investment to offer leadership

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False Start for the Win

Slammed my car trunk onto my head and had a violent case of the norovirus. Way to kick off 2024! This reminded me of when I spoke at a conference where another speaker shared about her high school days of

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