Category: Be Extraordinary

Why Do I Need to Speak?

It’s not just about the stage or the boardroom. You are always presenting! In fact, you’re presenting even when you’re outside of work – PTA meetings, Homeowners Association meetings, church gatherings, or simply making a brief toast at someone’s birthday.

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Easy vs. Effective Communication

It’s easier to say what I want! These were the words spoken by the CEO after I spent the day with him and his leadership team training on communication. Discover the shift from easy to effective.

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The One Thing Holding You Back

50% have lost out on an opportunity because of the lack of one skill! Looking for that promotion or next opportunity? Are you perhaps missing this one skill that could radically increase your odds? Find out what could be holding

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How to Deal with Angry People

I just can’t take it! Early in my career, I found myself coaching one of my direct reports on how to handle an angry client. Although this happened years ago, I hear similar situations again and again across organizations I

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Obsessed with Perfection

With the great reshuffle of employees, many of our clients are experiencing an influx of new team members and direct reports. While your organization may have a solid onboarding process, today, it’s not enough to truly meet the needs of these

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Grand Visions Won’t Lead to Success

It’s that time of year where you’re probably having grand visions of the year ahead. But those visions alone will not lead to success. Last year I shared what you must have in place to fulfill those visions.

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What Does Freedom Mean to You?

In the United States, we’ll be celebrating Independence Day this weekend. And as a woman born and raised in this country, I’m extremely grateful for the freedoms that I have. But I recently discovered many of those weren’t available until

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Embarrassment or Development?

Do you ever feel embarrassed by past work you’ve done? Maybe it’s a project you completed when you first began your career or were new to your current position. What if someone were to ask to see it – how

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You Deserve to Have High Vibes!

We just celebrated International Women’s Day but I want to keep the party going! Watch this video to find out how I keep high vibes on a consistent and ongoing basis.

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Celebrating International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is on March 8th, and if you’re wondering how to celebrate, this video is for you! I have three simple yet powerful ideas that you can run with!

To support you with these ideas, I’m offering a 21%

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Obsessed with Perfection

Are you obsessed with perfection? Besides the fact that this obsession can keep you from moving onto the next step and making progress, it can also make your execution even worse! Find out how to overcome the perfection trap in

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Grand Visions Won’t Lead to Success

It’s that time of year where you’re probably having grand visions of the year to come. But those visions alone will not lead to success. In this video I share what you must have in place to fulfill on those

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