Married to a Working Mom

I’m so excited because I finally dragged my husband Matt, into one of the videos, and it’s for a very special reason – because today is our wedding anniversary! Can you seriously believe it?! The time, in so many ways, it’s gone by really quickly. But I wanted Matt to share with you some of the good and the truth about being married to a working mom, because certainly it’s changed and evolved over time, our 15-year marriage. And so Matt, can you share with us what you like about being married to a working mom? We’ll start with the good.

There’s things, I definitely like the fact that you’re out there in the trenches trying to make things happen for our family, as I am. And so having that unity of trying to raise our family to another level is really nice. But what I don’t like is you being out traveling so forth, being on congested freeways, so there’s two sides of that. But I want to add in another word to that, which is respect. I have a great deal of respect for you when you are traveling for a few days and you come back to the house and yeah, we’re very helpful or thankful to have you home. But the common respect of just having you back in the house and knowing that you’re working as hard as you can is just great for all of us.

That’s so nice, thank you. So now the truth. What is a challenge about being married to a working mom?

Probably the biggest challenge for me is time. Us time – although we have wonderful children and it’s fun, but being busy for long periods of time, we have that conversation a few times a year. We feel that we’re separated too much, so that’s the main issue is just kind of quality time with one another.

Absolutely, so what word of advice would you give to other, because I think it’s tied into the challenge that we have, is both of us being working parents. So what’s that kind of word of advice or piece of advice you would give to folks out there?

To plan a date, date night, happy hour, date day, which we’ve done multiple times. So when we’ve had those challenging days, it’s been nice to know that in a week or in a few days or at the end of the month, that we know we are going to be able to escape for a little bit and spend quality time with one another.

So speaking of, that’s what we will be doing the rest of the day, is spending quality time together and enjoying our anniversary. So thank you, honey, for joining us. Hopefully this helps, and I’m here to help you live a happy, healthy, and balanced life until next time!