Point Your Toes!

I was back at the gym teaching group exercise, which I’ve been doing for over 15 years, and recently I started noticing how most of the members, when they were doing their roundhouse kicks were not pointing their toes. And look, this isn’t a professional martial arts class, I’m not expecting them to do it, but I decided to coach and say, “Hey, for those of you that want to try something different, try pointing your toes on your next roundhouse kicks and see if you notice a difference.”

It’s all about the intention behind that strike, and it got me thinking – that intention behind that strike. This tiny, little adjustment of pointing your toes, how it drastically engages your muscles and creates more power and strength behind the delivery of the strike. Isn’t that so true in everything we do – especially when it comes to our professional life?

There are different times of year where we can get in a funk, or different seasons in our career where we’re going through the motions. And I just want to encourage you to think about where might you be able to make a small, minor adjustment that is about the intention behind what you’re doing. I’d really encourage you to look at it through the lens of your communication.

What emails are you sending, what conversations are you having? What communication are you engaging in? Where, if you were to just make a minor adjustment to have a little more intention behind it, could it actually create a greater impact, or the impact that you really want on the other side?

It’s not always about the big things, but I find that the more we have the intention to make the small adjustments, the greater the impact it can be.

Where can you have more intention behind your communication? Comment below, I want to hear from you! What’s your, “pointing toes for a roundhouse kick,” look like in your professional communication?