Tag: executive

2020 Was a Pivotal Year for Women

Just released last week, LinkedIn’s latest Workforce Confidence Index shows that 74% of women say they are very or somewhat stressed for work-related reasons, compared with just 61% of employed male respondents. While also this year, McKinsey reported that 1

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3 Things That Are Holding You Back

Feeling stuck in your role? Find out the three things that I’ve discovered after working with hundreds of professionals that are most likely holding you back!

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3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Quit

Women left the workforce at higher rates than men in 2020 and many more are considering doing so in the near future – something they would’ve never considered the year prior. I know first-hand what this feels like as I

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Take a Day Off Ferris Bueller Style

In the 1986 John Hughes hit movie, Ferris Bueller skips a day of high school to spend it in the city of Chicago. While I’m certainly not suggesting to become a young delinquent, I do believe Ferris was onto something

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Let’s Stay Connected!

I didn’t realize how important connections were to me until they were physically removed in 2020. As I’ve gone back to many of my pre-pandemic routines, I’ve been able to re-establish those connections, but I know many have not been

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Creating Confidence in Your Communication

When I work with organizations and executives on beating burnout, one of the key strategies I share is to begin with communication. But I’ve found that for many, they lack the confidence to initiate the communication and/or how they communicate

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When You Believe Things Aren’t Fair

In work and life, you’ve witnessed others receive things that not everyone else has. Maybe you or others felt at times that those situations weren’t fair. Well, as employees return to the office, you will see more and more of

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Finding Time for Self-Care

Just quit! Yes, I’m actually telling you to quit! But what if you have a dream, a vision, a big goal? How could you possibly quit? Watch this week’s video to find out why it’s important to quit if you

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Sometimes You Just Have to Quit

Just quit! Yes, I’m actually telling you to quit! But what if you have a dream, a vision, a big goal? How could you possibly quit? Watch this week’s video to find out why it’s important to quit if you

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There’s No Time For Fun!

Are you so busy that you believe there’s no time for fun? You’re barely squeezing in the basic necessities to keep yourself, and maybe a family, alive that you can’t possibly imagine how you could find even a moment for

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Embarrassment or Development?

Do you ever feel embarrassed by past work you’ve done? Maybe it’s a project you completed when you first began your career or were new to your current position. What if someone were to ask to see it – how

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The Practical Way to Get Moving

I seriously can’t believe how little I’ve been moving over the past year. Even though I’ve been working from home since the end of 2017, all the little activities that we engaged in that were stripped away with COVID, have resulted

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