Tag: leader

A Special Gift on my Birthday

It’s true, it’s my birthday! I’m celebrating 47 years of life today and I’m asking you for a special gift. But you have to watch this week’s video to find out what it is!

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How Can a Mentor Accelerate Women in Leadership?

I’m excited to be coming to you from the Sundance Resort in Utah. It’s a spectacular place to recover and reset, but that’s not why I’m here this week. I’m here because of my mentor, Bo Eason, and there’s a reason

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Where are the Women in the Leadership Pipeline?

One of our obsessions at The Corporate Refinery is the acceleration of women in leadership, yet one of the challenges organizations share is the lack of ready-now female leaders in the pipeline. While we know several of the major causes,

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Fixing the Broken Rung for Women in Leadership

I’m thrilled to be at the Advancing Women in Leadership Conference for Pharma & Healthcare in Philadelphia this week. Several of the day-one topics really hit home on the challenges we see when it comes to the acceleration of women into

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Hiring & Retaining Women in the Workforce

When you leave the workforce, the cost of this decision follows you for LIFE! After taking into account the potential wage growth and lost retirement savings over time, a woman who leaves the workforce loses up to 4x their annual

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First Step to Mitigate Burnout

In last week’s video, I shared the signs that indicate you’re on the verge of burnout. So what happens if they’re happening to you? What next? Since burnout occurs when workplace stress is not properly managed, your first step will

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How to Know if You’re Burning Out

I believed that what I was experiencing were signs of approaching burnout, but it turns out that I was already over the edge and what I was experiencing were SYMPTOMS of burnout that consumed me mentally and physically. If you’re

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Trapped at a Dead-End

I’m frequently asked, “Colleen, what can I do if I’m feeling burned out or stuck, yet I can’t leave my job?” I wondered the same thing immediately after I crashed that December evening in my office! For the several months of

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Women Leaders – Don’t Hide Being A Mom!

Are you a leader? Are you a mom? Do you know a leader who is a mom? Are you/they talking about it? If not, I’m telling you that this is a huge mistake! Find out why this is important and how it will

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Stop Blaming Company Culture

According to research, toxic company culture is to blame for 25% of people resigning from their jobs. You must know: THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS COMPANY CULTURE! Here I break down why this is absolutely true and what you, as

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The Missing Ingredient for Advancing Women

In a recent video, I talked about the four ingredients to keeping your employees happy. Unfortunately, one of them is often missing when it comes to advancing women, especially women into leadership positions. Find out in this video which one

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4 Ingredients to Keep Employees Happy

My daughter, Reese, and I love margherita pizza – it’s hands-down our favorite! Which means that whenever we go on vacation, we’re in search of the best. But it turns out that the best is right around the corner from our house. Lucky

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