Tag: positivity

Celebrating International Dance Day

What a perfect way to end the month of foolishness by celebrating with dance! Grab a family member, a friend, or just yourself and have some fun by dancing to your favorite song and celebrating International Dance Day!

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Turning Stress Into a Comedy

Stress relief can actually be a joke when you use laughter to help reduce it! Laughter has so many short and long-term health benefits and my family’s favorite way to get a lot of it, is by watching stand-up comedians.

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Don’t Be Fooled! You’re Not An Impostor!

You may have felt like a fool on more days than just #aprilfoolsday! If you’ve ever experienced #impostersyndrome you most likely know what I’m referring to. But you’re not alone – 82% of people have felt like an imposter at

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Choose to Challenge Beyond This Month

March is one of my favorite months of the year. My daughter, Reese, would say it’s because it’s her birthday month (LOL!). While this is of course true, it’s also because it’s Women’s History Month. And the theme for this

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You Deserve to Have High Vibes!

We just celebrated International Women’s Day but I want to keep the party going! Watch this video to find out how I keep high vibes on a consistent and ongoing basis.

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Are You Paying Attention?

Research shows that people spend nearly 47% of their time thinking about other things than what they’re working on right now! While your workplace may be fast-paced and demand that you be productive, how productive are you really being if

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When You’re on the Verge of Burnout

If you’ve been lashing out more often, feeling deeper stress, or telling yourself that you have no other option than to quit right now, then you’re on the verge of burnout! After hitting my burnout over seven years ago, in

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How to Stop Feeling in a Routine Rut

Do you ever feel like you’re Bill Murray in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, living out Groundhog Day? Where you’re stuck in a routine and doing the same thing every day, over and over and over and over again! Are you ready to

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Vulnerability or Virtual Harassment?

With the extreme pivot most organizations have made to working from home, virtual harassment is now a caution. Leaders must be aware of the boundaries between being authentic and vulnerable versus unprofessional and harassing.

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Don’t Miss Your Celebrations

It’s been a rough year and now for many, a rough holiday season. But don’t miss out on your celebrations just because you can’t be with your family or friends. Find out more in this video.

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Look Out! Distractions Will Get You!

Distractions threaten your focus, your productivity, your results and your success. But at times, these distractions come at you with a sneak attack and before you know it, you’re sucked into a downward spiral, losing precious time and energy! Watch

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