
Colleen brings her expertise to life, offering valuable insights, stories, inspiration, and entertainment. Unlock a world of knowledge, whether you’re a seasoned professional or an emerging leader, there’s something here for everyone!

Maximize Your Leadership Time in the Office

My husband, Matt, commutes nearly 60 miles to the office – ONE WAY! So you better believe if he’s going to spend time on the road driving nearly 120 miles for one day in the office, he’s going to maximize his

The 3 C’s of How the Office Can Make Work Life Easier

Is working in the office an antiquated concept? The challenge is that while many of the benefits of working from home are good for the individual, many of the benefits of working from the office are good for the organization.

Obsessed with Perfection

With the great reshuffle of employees, many of our clients are experiencing an influx of new team members and direct reports. While your organization may have a solid onboarding process, today, it’s not enough to truly meet the needs of these

When You’re on the Verge of Burnout

With the great reshuffle of employees, many of our clients are experiencing an influx of new team members and direct reports. While your organization may have a solid onboarding process, today, it’s not enough to truly meet the needs of these

Revenge Travel

With the great reshuffle of employees, many of our clients are experiencing an influx of new team members and direct reports. While your organization may have a solid onboarding process, today, it’s not enough to truly meet the needs of these

Your Onboarding Process Isn’t Enough

With the great reshuffle of employees, many of our clients are experiencing an influx of new team members and direct reports. While your organization may have a solid onboarding process, today, it’s not enough to truly meet the needs of these

The One Thing to Keep Employees Engaged

Bigger salary, bonuses, fun perks – these are not the most effective ways to engage and retain your employees! Then what IS the best way? Here I share the one thing that you must do, the foundational aspect of being

3 Mistakes Leaders Make When It Comes to Team Burnout

Leaders are responsible for attracting AND retaining talent. So what can you do when one of the leading causes of employees leaving their job is #burnout? In this video, I share the three mistakes leaders are making when it comes

When You Tend to Overcommit

A recent survey showed that 80% of people take on more than they can or should handle. Does that sound like you? Find out how to break free from sentencing yourself to over-commitment!

What’s the Risk of Busy Work?

We each have aspects of our jobs that consist of busy work – work that is duplicative or meaningless – but when is it considered to be a true problem? CNBC reported on the amount of time employees believe they

There’s No Time For Fun!

Are you so busy that you believe there’s no time for fun? You’re barely squeezing in the basic necessities to keep yourself, and maybe a family, alive that you can’t possibly imagine how you could find even a moment for

Leadership Readiness

How ready does one need to be for a leadership promotion? How much does a person need to demonstrate that they’re ready to lead others? Are organizations truly promoting based on leadership readiness, or other criteria? Find out how organizations


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