Colleen brings her expertise to life, offering valuable insights, stories, inspiration, and entertainment. Unlock a world of knowledge, whether you’re a seasoned professional or an emerging leader, there’s something here for everyone!
You’ve Got To Be More Aware!
Stop focusing only on yourself and your world. Find out why you’ve got to be more aware!
What Do I Do If My Co-Worker Bugs Me?
Do you have that co-worker that just drives you crazy? Don’t despair! Find out what to do when your coworker bugs you.
Don’t Wait for the Win to Celebrate!
It’s fun to celebrate when we win or achieve a result. But it’s not enough. Check out when you really should be celebrating.
Integrity Wins Every Time!
When the quick win seems to be the easiest choice, something is wrong. Find out why I believe integrity wins every time!
Which is Better, Talent or Effort?
Most want to believe that people achieve success because of natural talent. But find out how effort could play as much, if not more, of a role in achieving your dreams.
Is Everything in Life Really That Fun?
Find out why I believe that life shouldn’t really be all that fun.
Don’t Be A Cleaver!
Remember the television show “Leave it to Beaver?” Find out why I don’t think you should ever be like the Cleaver’s!
I’m So Overwhelmed! How Can I Get To The Next Level?
What happens when you’re working toward your next level and you get overwhelmed? Whether that’s at work or as a personal goal, but you feel like quitting when you think about all the things that you must do to achieve
Leadership Series | Be Predictable
Welcome to the Leadership Series where I share with you my personal experience and learnings from Forbes’ top tips for women in leadership. Watch this week’s video to find out why you should “be predictable.”
Leadership Series | Stop Looking for Affirmation
Welcome to the Leadership Series where I share with you my personal experience and learnings from Forbes’ top tips for women in leadership. Watch this week’s video to find out why you should “stop looking for affirmation.”
Leadership Series | Your Natural Leadership Talent
Welcome to the Leadership Series where I share with you my personal experience and learnings from Forbes’ top tips for women in leadership. Watch this week’s video to find out about “your natural leadership talent.”
Leadership Series | Build on Your Strengths
Welcome to the Leadership Series where I share with you my personal experience and learnings from Forbes’ top tips for women in leadership. Watch this week’s video to find out how to “build your strengths.”
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