Wishing you a true Happy Holiday here in 2020, even though I know that the holidays are not the same. Who would have thought nine months later, that we would still be here? I admittedly did not think that was possible, but here we are. How do we enjoy and celebrate?
I am certainly missing all of the celebrations – whether that’s the block party in my neighborhood that happens in our cul-de-sac every year, or going to my team’s house and celebrating and laughing and just getting to be together outside of the day in and day out of our work. My husband also has, like, 30 aunts and uncles and cousins that all live near us in Southern California, and we’re not going to see everybody this year. I am certainly missing all of that.
But that cannot stop us; we have to take control of what we can and create that celebration and joy as much as possible.
Maybe that’s doing things with your immediate household, your family – like when the pandemic first hit, our family of four was together non-stop and we were starting to go stir crazy, I thought, “Well, normally this time we would be camping. So why not have a camp out in our backyard?”
What tradition do you normally do with extended family or friends that you could still re-create within your own home, and make the best of it? And I know that most people say they’ve got Zoom fatigue from being on these digital, virtual meetings all day. I get it, I’m right there with you. But I highly encourage you to put together a virtual get together with family or friends. It feels totally different.
When you’re on a virtual meeting for business or work, you have this sense of having to be on the whole time; you’re presenting, you’re being watched, you’re being analyzed and judged.
But when you’re doing it in a casual setting, that fatigue, that feeling is typically not there. As long as you enjoy the people that you’re on the meeting with. I know my family is across the U.S. and for Thanksgiving we all got together for a couple of hours, and it was incredible. I actually got to see family members I normally would not have seen on Thanksgiving.
So get over the whole, “I’m so tired of being on virtual meetings.” It should be a different feeling when you’re using it to connect and celebrate. So do what you can to actually enjoy this time of year. It is so important for you to have fun, to rejoice, and actually celebrate whatever you can. Type in the comments below, I want to know how are you celebrating during this holiday season, with everything being as different as it is.