I just celebrated my three year anniversary of the transition out of my corporate career into working full-time in my business, and I’m thrilled! It is absolutely cause for celebration. But I’ve got to share, I got a little bit embarrassed as I was reflecting back on those companies and conferences that hired me in the early days to speak at their events or come in and do trainings.
I got embarrassed thinking about my skill level; my output and what I was delivering at that time, in comparison to three years later. I was sitting there thinking, “Oh man, I wish that they wouldn’t have hired me back then! I wish they could see me now, that they could hire me now, I’m so much better than I was three years ago. I would deliver an even better event, a better training.”
How silly! Because of course, the only reason why I’m better today than I was three years ago is because those places hired me.
It’s because I got that experience, I was out there doing it. Today, when I’m coaching and working with executives, I hear so often this stall; they’re waiting to move forward on something, because not everything’s ready. “I still need to learn this, I still need to implement that, I still need to add this to my resume,” and they get paralyzed. They’re stuck, they’re not going anywhere. And I keep encouraging them, reminding them that it’s part of the journey.
You are only going to get a majority of that experience by just starting; it’s going to happen along the way.
So where are you stuck? Where are you holding yourself back, waiting, saying, “I still need A through Z before I get started.” I want you to take that first step forward, jump into it, and get started. That is where you are going to improve; it’s like constant rehearsal. It’s constant training.
Everything you do every single day is preparation for the next day. So comment below, what have you been holding back on starting, and you’re going to commit to starting it today? Even if you don’t feel like you’re 100% prepared. I want to hear from you!