Tag: empowerment

Mental Health Resources Alone Won’t Cure Burnout

Mental health resources alone won’t cure burnout! A CDC study shows that employees at risk for depression had the highest healthcare costs, even after taking risks such as smoking and obesity into account. Depression had the highest healthcare costs! So

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False Start for the Win

False start for the win! I recently spoke at a conference and one of the other speakers talked about her high school days of running and racing. When she mentioned “false starts,” my ears perked up. While I don’t recall her purpose

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Celebration vs Support

Stop celebrating and start supporting! It’s been a month since we concluded Women’s History Month – a month in which we celebrate women. It’s a wonderful time of year, but it’s not enough. Find out how you can support and

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Now You Can Predict Employee Turnover

There is one thing that is 10x more powerful in predicting employee turnover than any other indicator. And it’s the one in which Gen Z is more likely to leave its employer compared to any other generation. Find out what that

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How to Advocate for Yourself Without Sounding Arrogant

A statement I often hear: “Colleen, I know I’m supposed to advocate for myself, but I don’t want to sound arrogant.” Sound familiar? Learn the strategy we recommend to showcase your strengths without coming across as vain or smug. Bonus –

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Surprising Opportunity for You and Your Employees

One of our obsessions at The Corporate Refinery is the acceleration of women in leadership, yet one of the challenges organizations share is the lack of ready-now female leaders in the pipeline. While we know several of the major causes,

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Where are the Women in the Leadership Pipeline?

One of our obsessions at The Corporate Refinery is the acceleration of women in leadership, yet one of the challenges organizations share is the lack of ready-now female leaders in the pipeline. While we know several of the major causes,

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Avoid This Communication Mistake

Stop making this mistake in your communication! Ever have a peer talk over you during a meeting? Or a direct report miss a deadline? Or possibly a senior leader is suddenly short and rude to you? In situations such as

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New Leadership Alone Won’t Solve the Problems

New leadership team, same old problems! This is exactly what I heard at a conference I spoke at last week. One particular executive shared that their mostly white, male leadership team transitioned to an extremely diverse one, yet they’re facing

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Leadership Lesson from The Office

A positive leadership lesson from The Office. I’ve used several clips from the television show The Office as examples of what NOT to do as a leader! But after listening to an interview with Steve Carell, there’s much to learn

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The Missing Ingredient for Advancing Women

We believe there are four ingredients to keeping your employees happy, but unfortunately, one of them is often missing when it comes to advancing women, especially women into leadership positions. Find out in this video which one is missing and

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